
Endpoint security is costly.

This cost assessment is free.

Got 15 minutes? We could save you time and money. Sign up for a free endpoint security Total Cost of Ownership assessment. It will help you identify real costs of security incidents, data loss, management hardware, managing multiple consoles, and more.

Working with you we will analyze the following aspect:

Any one of these issues offers savings in cost and time. Customers have seen the potential for up to 48% cost reduction.


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Licences Costs

Software overlap: Much focus is placed in software acquisition cost, when other factors can make the least expensive solution cost much more overall. Solution consolidation can simplify your operations and reduce cost.

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Licences Costs

Software overlap: Much focus is placed on software acquisition cost, when other factors can make the least expensive solution cost much more overall. Solution consolidation can simplify your operations and reduce cost.

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Management Hardware

Do you want to get out of buying hardware? Hardware systems used for security management are costly to procure, update and manage. Moving to a well designed Saas platform can save significant time and money

Console Management Cost

Are multiple consoles costing you? Studies show that a typical enterprise can have 5-7 different endpoint technologies and consoles to support each endpoint. This causes management headaches, slows system performance, introduces errors and excess people cost. Solution consolidation can dramatically simplify your operations.

Bitdefender solution vs other solutions graphic - Management console cost

Console Management Cost

Are multiple consoles costing you? Studies show that a typical enterprise can have 5-7 different endpoint technologies and consoles to support each endpoint. This causes management headaches, slows system performance, introduces errors and excess people cost. Solution consolidation can dramatically simplify your operations.

Bitdefender solution vs other solutions graphic - Cost of security incidents

Security Incident Cost

What the true cost of an infection? Ponemon says the average cost to clean up a single infected workstation is $125 and this does not include employee downtime. Its much more for servers and virtual systems.

Data Loss Cost

What would it cost if you lost data? Ponemon has estimated the average cost of a single data record is $148... that’s per record! The bad actors are after your sensitive data and effective endpoint security is needed to stop them.

Bitdefender solution vs other solutions graphic - Cost of data loss

Data Loss Cost

What would it cost if you lost data? Ponemon has estimated the average cost of a single data record is $148... that’s per record! The bad actors are after your sensitive data and effective endpoint security is needed to stop them.

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Regulatory Compliance Cost

Is compliance costing you time and money? With fewer consoles and integrated capabilities, compliance reports can be delivered more easily. We’ll estimate what generating those reports is really costing you.

Click here to sign up for a free,
no commitment assessment of your environment.

Resources to help you decide

Make the Most Out of Your Endpoint Security 

Accelerate response with the staff you have: Web content and Blog

Bridge the Security Talent Gap

Webinar: “Bridging the Security Talent Gap”

Managed Endpoint Detection and Response Datasheet

MEDR service data sheet

Resources to help you decide